Getting to Know Each Other
We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Strathmore Alliance Church a great one!
Service Time
Strathmore Alliance Church meets every Sunday at 10:00am.
Location & Directions
Strathmore Alliance is located in Strathmore, Alberta. Find directions by clicking here.

What can I Expect?
How Long is a Service?
In total, our service is about 75 minutes in length. Services begin with the band leading the church in music - song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage however you feel most comfortable. Included in this time is a Scripture reading and a free-will offering is taken. After the music portion of the service, one of our elders will pray for our Church and our world. Then one of our pastors will share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus from the Bible.
What's the Culture like at Strathmore Alliance?
Sunday's at Strathmore Alliance Church are intentional. We aim to celebrate Christ as we sing His praise, hear His words, and connect with His people. So how you feel comfortable and expect a warm welcome as our guest.
- Snacks & coffee after service
- No dress code - most dress casual
- Lyrics & Bible verses on a screen
- Bring or borrow a Bible or use an app. (Don't have one? We'll give you one!)
- Giving financially is not required
- Communion every 1st Sunday of the month

What about my Kids?
We believe that kids should enjoy discovering who Jesus is and how Jesus saves people from their sins while at church every single week - and at Alliance kids, we make this a priority. The other thing we make a priority is your children's safety. Because of that we follow Plan-to-Protect and have a check-in process for our kids programs. You'll want to leave yourself an extra ten minutes and stop by our Welcome Desk to be shown around and signed in before the service. Nursery (ages 0 - 3) is offered throughout the service and kids (ages 4 - grade 5) has a varied schedule.

Let us Know you're Coming
Ready to check out Strathmore Alliance Church in person? We can't wait to meet you.
"Whether you've been a part of a church your whole life, attend occasionally, or have never stepped foot in one before, we welcome you and hope you will meet more than new friends, but God Himself. No matter your background in faith and life, we hope that you would join us in discovering and pursuing the indescribable joy God promises to us in this life and the next."
Pastor Mike Wiebe